Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Lack of Mold Report (cough)

Wonder if that middle school teacher was allergic
to the microphone.   As soon as he sat down he
stopped coughing.  The Lack of Mold report was
presented at Tuesday's board meeting.  We all
knew Mr. Nonnsense would challenge the
results if they didn’t go his way.

Click her for the Mold Report

Monday, April 17, 2017

Loopy, Swirly, Whirly & Curvy

Whose fingerprints are on the missing
Project Grad money? 
That's right, Friends of Mr. Nonnsense. 
Where's the outrage? 
Gas leak: close the school.
Mold (fake mold): notify the parents.
Steal money from kids and their parents: silence.
This theft didn't take place in a vacuum.

Click here for older posts.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Official Mold Report

How did Debra Amaral Salyer get the
information she posted on FB on 5 April?
If she knows this information where is the
official mold report?  Is Tim Nonn
delaying the release of the official report?

Debra Amaral Salyer
Like · April 5 at 6:01am
The schools insurance group will do testing. They will find nothing. A letter will be sent out to parents saying all is well. Don't believe the photos. Don't believe the teachers. The fox is guarding the hen house.

Click here to see the Truth Our Schools blog

Monday, April 10, 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The $27,000 Woman

Click here for link to public documents
That's a lot of pencils
5 August 2015 CRPUSD Warrant Register.
Page 1, line 10, check number 1424946.
Who is she and why was she paid $27,000?

Friday, April 7, 2017


Want to skulk around campus looking for defects in our schools?  

They even come in his and hers.  

One for Mr. Nonnsense and one for Mrs. Lanny.  No one will ever guess who you are.